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I Need Help!

Want us to give you a hand getting started with Givy? No problem, just let us know what we can help with.

Updated over a year ago

We're here to help! Here are the most common things we help merchants with, and the best ways to contact us:

Live Chat

While we do sometimes need to sleep, our team tries to respond to chats very quickly. This is the best way to contact us during core business hours. Simply click on the chat icon in the bottom-right corner of this page. Even better, chat with us from within the app so that we know which store you're with.

Setup Assistance

Nothing makes us happier than getting your gifting and gift cards program working ourselves. Answer a few questions about what you'd like done, we'll request some basic access to your store, then voila!

Click here to launch the setup form

Customize My Gift Card Image

Want to make your gift card product look like it was made specifically for your store? Our team of talented graphic designers want to take your logo, and add it to a gift card image for your store.

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