For a quick overview of creating a single gift card, watch this video:
Steps for creating a gift card
Givy makes this incredibly easy to do. From the dashboard, or other pages in the app, click the Issue Gift Card button. Then simply complete the following fields:
From: the display name that will appear if the card is sent to a recipient
Recipient: the display name for the recipient if the card is being sent
Amount: the amount of the gift card in your store's currency
That's it! Click the Create Gift Card button and your gift card will be created immediately. Want some more advanced options? Keep reading.
Set Expiry Date
If you'd like this gift card to expire on a fixed date in the future, select the date here. The card will automatically be set to expire.
Send Email Notification
If you want to notify a customer that they've received a gift card, choose to notify the recipient via email.
This will ask you for the recipient's email address, and an optional message which will be included on the redemption page.
Personalize With a GIF
Want to add some personality to your gift? Search the extensive Giphy library for the perfect animated GIF which will be displayed on the redemption page.
Sent in the Future
If you're sending this as a sales campaign, you may want the card to be sent on a specific date. Choose On a specific date to select the date when the email notification will be sent. Emails are sent at 8:00am in your store's timezone.